Heroku Wildcard SSL Certificate Automated Provisioning

I recently setup Heroku Wildcard SSL and it took a bit of doing so decided to post this to hopefully make someone’s day a little easier! Let’s say I have domain.com and I want to point *.domain.com to a heroku app. Additionally I use Cloudflare for DNS. Manually configure the heroku domain *.domain.com Setup the provided CNAME in cloudflare. Create a GitHub Action which runs weekly and updates the SSL certificate.

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How to get a job

A playbook on how to apply to selective SWE iternships This was copied from an earlier internal document I wrote during my time as a member of Spark SC, a student entreprenourship clup at the University of Southern California. The first time I considered the possibility of going beyond an online application in the job search process was when I met Dave Fontenot (early hackathon organizer and total weirdo, in the best way possible) He gave a talk at MHacks that fundamentally changed the way I think about getting a job and I have been able to pass on that advice over time to other job hunters.

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